German Shepherds-Puppies-Working Lines Czech-Dutch-East/West German Bloodlines
We selected our working line German Shepherds because they possess certain genetic traits that we want our breeding program to be founded on. Our focus is on health by using and maintaining clean healthy bloodlines. Next is their temperament, intelligence, courage, strength of mind and confirmation. By combining the different and similar genetic qualities of each parent by means of breeding we can produce the desired Building Blocks of our puppies. We look for genetic traits in both our males and females that will complement or enhance each others traits when blended together by way of breeding. Typically a puppy will be a reflection of both of its parents, as they say, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
Our working line German Shepherd puppies are known for being intelligent, highly versatile and adaptable, eager to please, work and learn. They are serving as Safe Family Companions and Protectors and as Highly Functional Working and Service Dogs. As with any breed, the environment they are raised in and training they receive or lack of, will influence how their temperaments and characteristics develop.
We are very hands on with our puppies from birth until they are placed in their new homes. We perform Tactile Stimulation beginning at 3 days of age thru day 16, this has proven to help their overall cognitive or mental and sensory development. Tactile stimulation performed during this stage has proven to influence behaviour and enhance thinking and problem solving skills, mental maturity and readiness at a younger age when compared to those not receiving this type of stimuli. Daily, our puppies are exposed to additional age appropriate stimuli to aid in the development of their natural instincts and temperament.
Exposure means that while raising a puppy, a variety of simple and positive interactions in its daily life can increase its ability to learn, and also cope successfully with stress throughout its life. It has been proven that a German Shepherd's confidence and response to age appropriate training and learning can be enhanced by a variety of proper stimulation (exposure) early on. A good example of exposure is when a puppy is an involved member of a farm family where they are safely exposed to a variety of animals, people, sounds and textures.