German Shepherds-Puppies-Working Lines Czech-Dutch-East/West German Bloodlines
We have heard various opinions about what a true "Civil" trained protection working line German Shepherd is or should be. By drawing from the experience of those who have trained and worked first hand with these dogs for many years both abroad and domestically we hope to provide some clarification on the matter.
The first priority in creating a true "Civil" trained protection dog is to find and start with a dog that possesses the necessary built-in genetic qualities, instincts and temperament. We highly recommend that you research the genetic tendencies of the particular dogs parents, pedigree and bloodlines. A good trainer or breeder can help evaluate a puppy as to whether it has the potential and natural instincts needed. It's important to keep in mind though, that it is just a puppy, as it grows and matures a puppy will experience changes in its overall character. But, if you select a puppy whose parents have and display the needed qualities, you increase the chances that your puppy will also possess the natural abilities and instincts needed.
A skillful trainer will know how to develop and work with a dogs natural instincts and abilities in order to help it to reach its greatest potential as a "Civil" trained dog. It's important to understand that not all trainers are created equal, especially when it comes to the needed skills for evaluating, training and developing a stable protection dog.
A "Civil" dogs bite work or protection training relies heavily on a properly balanced combination of a dogs natural Defense, Prey and Fight drive. Our experience has proven that Protection/Defense and Apprehension training that is developed based on a balance of all three drives is critical. The outcome is a dog that is disciplined and will stand its ground under extreme pressure yet remain in control and able to follow what could be life saving commands. One example of this is referred to as a dogs On/Off switch. If needed, a dog's defensive fight drive can be turned On by Command, and turned Off by Command. This also allows for a "Civil" dogs aggression to be focused on one thing or person(s) as directed by its handler.
To illustrate this topic further, family members and their friends should never feel threatened or fearful of their trained protection dog. Instead, they should feel comfortable and safe in the dogs presence, viewing it as another member of the family that is watching over them and "has their backs." Only when circumstances truly dictate should the dogs defensive mode be awakened or turned on. For example, by an experienced and properly trained handler during ongoing training or, a real life need and situation for protection.
On the other hand, there is bite work and protection training that is based more on a dog's prey drive, which is often typically triggered by motion. The result can be dangerous to innocent bystanders such as children playing. We believe heightened prey or motion drive is often the cause of "Junkyard" dogs reacting aggressively toward most people, sometimes even their handler, as well as other animals entering its territory. For example, a working K9 excited by prey drive can be triggered by motion and may be the reason why, during the commotion of tracking, chasing and apprehension of suspects that some working K9's bite their human coworkers and handlers. It seems that their high prey drive causes them to lose any control and discipline they've been taught. As logic would dictate, a dog like this would not be recommended as family pet or trusted in a public setting.
Prey drive is not all bad and it does have its place when it comes to dogs in general. For example, it's what drives a dog to fetch a frisbee and perform certain exercises during sporting competitions. Also, the training and duties of some police, security and military dogs need to develop and utilize a dog's prey drive to fill certain needs. Again, genetics and training are going to be a strong factor in how a dog turns out.
Both prey driven and defense driven protection dogs can and should possess the same level of courage and bravery even though they serve different purposes. A dependable and predictable "Civil" protection dog typically possesses a high level of discipline. It will also have the courage and bravery to stand its ground even when it itself is threatened with danger in order to protect its family.
In summary, all of this is dependent on a dog that possess the instincts, intelligence, the right temperament, a strong, clear and stable mind with the right balance of defensive, protective and prey drives. Equally important is the need of a skillful trainer that knows how to recognize and work with a dogs natural instincts and abilities in order to create a confident, stable and "Civil" dog.